Fondation BGFIBank
The Enterprise Fund BGFIBank ...
In deciding there several years to intervene in the area of solidarity, including through sponsorship, the BGFIBank Group has recognized the challenge represented by its social commitment, and the need to help people in its countries of operation.
After the establishment of BGFIBank Enterprise Fund in 2005, creating the BGFIBank Foundation, January 28, 2013, reflects the desire of the President to go further in the Group's solidarity actions and support that it brings to people in all its host countries.
... At the BGFIBank Foundation
Independent and private, the BGFIBank Foundation registered its philosophy and action in the continuity of the social commitment of BGFIBank Group. It accompanies the group in his role as full part of social development in all its countries of operation . It also ensures vis-à-vis advisory role of the shares held by the various subsidiaries for sponsorship. It is in itself a tool for the Group to its social responsibility and develop ongoing social dialogue vis-à-vis its host communities.
Sponsorship has now identified and strategic place within the different tools and the Group's commitments, as it can contribute to the general interest while affirming the identity of BGFIBank.
Strong reflections of the Board of Directors and the Executive Secretariat , and the lines of the 2013 budget conferences Group, the Foundation reviewed its position and rethought its strategy. These reflections have given rise to the Strategic Plan 2015-2018.
Also, BGFIBank Foundation intends to play its role of constructive and dynamic organization firmly committed to the well being of future generations. The implementation of this strategy takes into account the current trends and available resources, and is part of the annual business planning.
Our engagements
Acting for the public interest
Anchoring the BGFIBank Group in many countries led to a wide variety of cultural acceptance, economic and social contexts of each country where the Group operates. However, his concept of solidarity is indivisible.
Our vis-à-vis civil society are realized every day through the support for local projects in the field of education, training and research. We support projects led by social purpose entities recognized by the administrative authorities in their host countries, that is to say, projects within a public interest approach.
Act locally
Since it is in our communities that we can best interpret the issues involved and have greater power to act, we favor local actions inevitably affect other communities in the future. Our decentralized operation allows the creation of solutions tailored to the specific needs of communities. We select project leaders with strong local roots, to ensure the involvement and strengthening the capacity of local people, the essential factors of project efficiency. The involvement of local people takes place at the design of a project to identify the real needs and challenges every day, taking into account the local context.
Track progress
We help to achieve common goals, by ensuring that information is provided in a timely manner to guide the collective efforts in the field. We work closely with our partners to determine if the joint efforts have resulted in positive changes for the people we support and how these changes have been achieved. We follow the projects we initiate or fund evaluating results and impact, to guide our strategy.
Mobilizing Group employees
Mobilize and set in motion all the energies to give everyone, employees and partners, power to act deal with societal and environmental challenges of our century. Employees BGFIBank Group are invited to use their time, experience and skills to serve the community in all countries where the Group operates. They are encouraged to be initiators or carriers of associative projects, to become personally involved in their achievements and even to involve customers there.
Commit for future generations
By voluntarily adhering to the UN Global Compact in 2006, BGFIBank Group has made commitments to change its operation in the areas of human rights, labor standards and the environment and the fight against corruption. We have incorporated the Global Compact and its ten principles in our strategy, our culture and our daily activities, alongside hundreds of companies from all regions of the world, international labor organizations and societycivil.
Our values
In all countries where we deploy our actions and are working for the common good, we rely on our beliefs and strong values BGFIBank Group.
Media Kit
BGFI DAY : L'élan de coeur pour célébrer la solidarité |
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